Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Argh! what happened to the images?

I'm finally getting over my nasty cold and I took the opportunity to move a server - the server with my images on it. Well, suffice it to say, I now have networking issues. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say that my cable modem at this location isn't handling port forwarding the way I need it to. Grrr... Maybe time to try plan B.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

New Blog

I see several recent comment postings by Bob at The Texas TasteMaster. Looks like an interesting new wine blog. One of these days - maybe over the Thankgsiving holiday - I'll look around to see what other new wine blogs have popped up.

Wish I'd been able to post more recently, but I've been under the weather for the last couple weeks. Picked up whatever's been 'going around'. Hope to be back soon...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hook & Ladder "The Tillerman" 2003

2003 The Tillerman

I thought it appropriate that in contrast to what I found to be a distasteful aroma and taste of leather in the recently profiled Louis Bernard wine, I would happen on this wine from Hook & Ladder that also has some leather in the nose but in this case it was quite appealing.

This wine came from the ‘Interesting Reds’ section at Grapevine and is a blend of Cabernet Sauv, Cab Franc and Sangiovese. It had a very attractive reddish purple color to it. The bit of leather in the aroma was more akin to a new leather bag rather than the ‘old leather shoe’ I’d concluded about the other wine. Also in contrast to that other wine, this one was a big mouth full of juicy red fruit tastes. 

About $14. Grapevine Market.
 ripe, juicy red fruits and a hint of new leather. Definite repeat buy.

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Blasphemy In A Bottle

Can’t quite figure why someone thinks this will be a better selling wine than a more conventionally named one, but thought it interesting enough to jot a note about.

Blasphemy In A Bottle - November 7, 2005

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Louis Bernard 2003 Cotes-du-Rhone-Villages

2003 Red Rhone

This wine has distinction of being the one I've disliked the most in recent memory. Lately it seems like many if not most of the wines I’ve posted about I give a 2–glass rating. This one really didn’t make the grade for me though and I dumped it.

The other distinction it has is the lamest shelf-talker. This wine was essentially only described as “pretty”. It was a useless posting and yet despite that, the buyer at this particular HEB grocery decided it was somehow worthy of highlighting. At $9, I thought I’d give it a try to see what was “pretty” about this wine.

With that kind of write-up, I was expecting at least the color to be attractive. But it was kind of a dull purple. The bottle was not corked. At least it didn’t seem to have that damp & musty smell, but it just had a flat taste to it. At best it had what I would characterize as the aroma and taste or an old box or old leather. Some leather on the nose is often a good thing, but in this case, it just didn’t work for me.

About $9. HEB grocery.
old leather.

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Saturday, November 05, 2005

Becker Vineyards 2004 Viognier

2004 Becker Viognier

After the recent posting on the Ca' del Solo Big House White  I thought I would post about a local white that I much preferred. It’s a couple bucks more, but for some reason that’s typical of Texas wines. (Because of that, I think you honestly have to go out of your way to buy one.)

Becker is among my favorite of the Texas wineries. This Viognier has a very nice floral aroma to it and a nicely rounded mouth feel. Has tastes of peaches and apricots and yet had just enough crisp acidity. I’ve had this one several times and again recently.

About $14. HEB grocery.
 Like it. Repeat buy. Flowers & peaches.

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Re: WBW #15

As it turned out, I didn’t get around to participating in this month’s WBW. Between the new job, the new house and coming down with a cold in the last week, just not enough time and inclination to join in.

about | ratings images courtey of Jason Lewis