Moillard 2005 Beaujolais-Villages Nouveau
To answer Amy’s recent comment/question, yes, in fact I have had something nice to drink lately. This posting is one good example.
At this time of year, Beaujolais Nouveau arrives in stacks in local stores. I love the little clock at this web site about this type of wine. It’s also just a good read. As of this writing, we’re T-minus 18 days since arrival. I picked up several of these and one other at Grapevine Market the weekend before Thanksgiving and have been enjoying them since. This one’s my favorite.
To start, this wine has an awesome ruby red color. If nothing else, it’s just nice to look at. But, of course, you want to drink it. My first reaction was simply “juicy fruit”. And in some ways I do mean like the gum by the same name. Not sticky sweet, of course, but this is definitely light and fruity.
I’ve had one other Beaujolais Nouveau in the last week too, but this one is so far my favorite.
- Price
- About $11–12. Grapevine Market.
- Overall
light and juicy fruit. Great holiday quaffing.
Technorati tag: wine
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